Wednesday, June 29, 2011

...the next 6 months?

the first half of 2011 really flew by in a blink.
in the last 6 months...

i had my wisdom tooth extracted and braces put in.
judged a TV Pageant and now i can't leave my house in shorts & tees.
got my 1st birthday present, 2 months early.
traveled the 4 corners of Singapore's Malls in my CROCS.
had my first cup of Nespresso.
met some of Hollywood's A-Listers.
booked my 30 days Euro trip in 24hrs.
worked with the best of Asian Talents.
criticized Zhang ZiYi for her outfit and stumped Director Yong Mun Chee with my question.

so what am i gonna do for the next 6 months?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Who's Hot... Who's Not.

i don't read much. frankly.
so it takes a lot of effort on my part to walk into a bookstore
without first knowing where the nearest Exits are.

but just about every once in a while
i will pick up a magazine just to flip thru the contents of its pages.
to see What's In. What's New. Who's Hot... Who's Not. Etc.

Local Fashion Magazines are the #1 read magazine in Singapore.
all Local & Foreign Models would rip off the arms or legs of another model to shoot with these magazines only because the results are world class.
no kidding.

its the same with Local Actors.
for just a few hours with a top Fashion Photog,
they live their moments as Top Models.
cos once the photo shoot is done,
they do go back to their 16hrs a day shoots as an actor
and eat from their packed lunches.
no special orders pls. its too troublesome for the PAs.

so why am i surprised to find an entire shelve of badly shot covers,
poorly written interviews and ''cut & paste'' layouts?!

with many new magazines hitting the racks,
almost all magazines are going thru a Face Lift every quarter.

from interns getting coffee on their 1st day at work,
to now being editors of the Online edition .
from Top Models & Celebs appearing in these Mags,
there are now Aunties in bikini doing a 6 page Fashion Spread.

from Hot Fashion Trend reports to now,
Recycled Trend report from another Magazine.

some even use STOCK IMAGES as Covers.

this is not a joke.
its happening.

what am i gonna do when i start a serious reading habit?!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Tom says...

for the many of u who don't have TWITTER or follow mine @
u have missed out on one of the best Press Conferences ever.

during the recent Screen Singapore Festival
the Talented TOM HANKS was in town to promote his new movie,
LARRY CROWNE, which he directed & acted in together with
another Hollywood Icon, Miss Julia Roberts.

i had the pleasure and honor of sitting in at that Press Conference.

since i didn't wanna look like i was out of place with all the other
local, regional & international Press, i decided to Tweet the press meet.


(remember to read from the bottom up)

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