Friday, December 30, 2011

the 2011 discovery list

1 more day to 2012 and i am actually looking forward to it!
was 2011 better or worse than last year?
i don't know... i think on an average it was better.

but i did discover these...

*Singaporeans are not SHY about anything, they just don't Share.

*Foreign Talents are not necessarily Talented.

*No one has enough Money, especially the Rich.

*Standard of Living has Gone Up but Incomes has Done Down.

*Competition is Good. Even in Politics.

*There's an Excuse for Everything.

*Social Media is kinda Biased.

*Everyone has a Use for You. You just need to learn not to be Used.

*Not everyone likes where they are. Literally.

and the Kids today are our Future tomorrow. Scary.

what did u discover in 2011?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


the last 11 months have been flashing pass me recently.
maybe its because we are at the end of another year.
but do you realize the older you get the faster everything goes?!

wasn't it like just yesterday u were in school?
then it was the first party?
no more sneaking in & out of the house.
now we can do just about anything cos we're OLD enough...

OLD enough.
that sounds Sad and Scary at the same time.
whatever happened to Growing Up Gracefully?
taking your time.
where did my 20s go?!
someone said once u did 21, Life is gonna Run by u.
am i having a Mid Life Crisis?
i'm only 42. too young for MLC!

what's next?
heat flash? am i gonna put on weight? hair lost?

i already started losing hair years ago...
ahhh whatever.

i am looking forward to my Peak.
and so should U.

don't let the bitches run your life.
its your race.
run it the way u want.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Jokes 2011

there has been a number of Jokes in 2011.
apparently with the world's economy going down in 2012,
i say why not.

one of my favorite is Kim Kardashian's wedding, marriage and divorce.
and that only took 3months of 2011.
i actually enjoy watching ''Keeping Up With The Kardashians''.
its the most staged, planted, surreal Reality TV ever.
it beats SURVIVOR.
but the whole ''Kim & Kris'' really takes the ( wedding ) cake!

and with a name like KARDASHIANS,
they do sound like a race of their own...

then on closer shores... its our SMRT.
Seriously... MRT?
we all understand a breakdown.
but 4 within 48hrs is a bit Dramatic.
and when reasons started flying that's when it became really funny.
''Possibly due to increased Population, the Tracks could have been overworked...''
since when did Singapore increase in Population?
last i checked, people were still too busy trying to get into the train
to rush home to make babies...
just because we have more PRC PRs doesn't mean the Singaporean Population has increased.

finally on the Social Media...
Jon Bon Jovi death hoax.

Mm... Jon who?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011



its finally! or more like " OMG! its December already!!!"!
whicheverway u say it... its December 2011.

and i am finally learning how to embrace it.
gone are the last 11 months where i sat on my sofa waiting to be excited.
enough of not knowing what i will do for the year.
no more of let's see what's next.

in December its all about making plans.
plans for 2012. plans for January and onwards.
basically, i don't have much time let.

got to go now... just bought a new planner.
need to start filling it up.