Tuesday, January 31, 2012

a trend of bad taste...

seriously... its not funny.

in just a matter of days i started seeing a trend.
a trend of bad taste,
hideous outfits
and godforsaken hair.

do people not have mirrors at home?
do their friends not tell them?
well, i'm gonna do my bit and answer some common
fashiony questions anyone might have...
and pls feel free to share them with anyone YOU think might need them.

Q: when are Summer Shorts too short?
A: when your B@lls come out for air.

Q: when should i wear poka dots, stripes & neon colors in 1 complete outfit?
A: when are you the last person in a club or in a room of blind people with the lights turned off.

Q: what's the best way of maintaining my white loafers?
A: burn them.

Q: does Blue Mohawk hairstyle go with my duo print shirt at work?
A: only if you as a loan shark, pimp or Aunty Lucy having a makeover.

Q: is PRC fashion a trend to follow?
A: only if you have a return ticket to PRC.

glad to have helped.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


sometimes we laugh to hide the pain.
sometimes we get lost on purpose.
sometimes we pretend to sleep so we never wake up.
sometimes we criticize first to be hurt last.
sometimes we have nothing else.
sometimes we fake so its easier.
sometimes we wish death for a better life.
sometimes we lie to hide the truth.
sometimes we take.
sometimes we stop listening to ourselves.
sometimes we deny better.
sometimes we run never to return.

sometimes we say we when its just Me.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Be brave
Family & Friends
Go away
Make mistakes
Quit giving up
Wake up
Zip up

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dress Up

i am a makeup artiste.
i am a choreographer.
i am a fashion stylist.

but i do not wear makeup, sashay or play dress up.
while the NOT wearing makeup or sashaying works fine,
the NOT dressing up does not go well with many people.

and by people i mean Strangers, Fans & Clients.

being in the Fashion field means one must always or at least keep
up with trends, style and appearance.
3 things i'm not into when i comes to myself.

i know that i can put together an amazing look
with limited wardrobe, money or time.
but when I have to do the same with myself, i become Lazy.

when it comes to dressing up i have 3 Rules.
#1: Where are you going?
#2: Why are you there?
#3: Who are you trying to impress?

these 3 Rules help you dress Good,
makes you look Better than the rest and
you honestly feel the Best about yourself.
ask any Bride.
but me...?
like i said, i am Lazy.
do i have to look the Part when i step out of the house
so that when people i don't know don't give me a second look?
or when Fans see me on the street and wonder if That is really me?
or the Clients i meet wonder if i am the Right one for the job?

truth is... Yes.
Yes when you don't want people
looking at you like you just got out of bed.

Yes when your Fans admire and respect your Style & Personality
when they see you on TV.

Yes when you want your Clients to take you seriously.

Dressing up is not necessarily for yourself.
it is sometimes in respect to others.
cos when you respect others, they will respect you in return.

so i am gonna start playing Dress Up.
i just hope the world is ready for it...

"Respect is not something you demand.
It is something you earn.'' Marcus AC

Thursday, January 5, 2012

So Confusing...

Did u hear the Ministers are getting a Pay Cut?

Ministers are Paid to run the Country???
Does that mean Anyone can actually apply for the Job?
U have to be Invited???
No Way?! Invited!?!!??
How does One get invited for a Job Application to run the Country?
High Education and Good Current Position?

So Looks and Command of English & Social Skills not necessary?

Does it mean that if We are Paying these Ministers, We can FIRE them?
Got 5 yrs Contract?

So Confusing...

Monday, January 2, 2012

things to let go...

only day 2 of 2012 and i have made a list of things to let go.

*i do not know all 267 'Friends on Facebook',
so it means i need to be honest and let some 'Friends' go.

*i have put some weight around the tummy area,
and trust me, it does not look good on me.
that definitely needs to go.

*i have been sitting on my ass for most part of 2011,
meaning i was too lazy waiting for things happen.
so my ass needs to go.

*i need to be sensitive to people.
Servers. PRCs. Strangers. Relatives.
my attitude needs to go.

what else?
my SingTel contract.
my moldy leather jacket.
my empty bank account.
my dead air-con.
my white hair.

the list keeps going on and on and on and on...