Monday, December 31, 2012

the 2012 discovery list

how time flies.
and its already the eve of a new year.
but before we move forward lets see what we have discovered...

*Singapore is now home to Everyone.

*Anyone can be an InstaCeleb.

*Employers want the Chinese to Work & Not Speak.

*Contracts are meant to be Broken.

*Youths aren't serious about being Serious.

*Economy is always going Down.

*Summer scarfs are Cool.

*Lesbians like dressing like Gay Boys.

*Bosses do run away with your Money.

*McDonalds pays S$5 an Hour.

*The Media's attention to Racial details is not Funny.

*Stars want to be paid to promote Themselves.

and the Mayans can't count.

what did u discover in 2012?

thank u...

i know i know i know...
it's not the Oscars but i really wanna thank u for 2012.
truth is i really could not have pulled thru' without u.
and NO!
this is not a SPAM.
but i'm gonna try and not generalize it.

i wanna thank...

my church. my pastor. my VA ministry.
thank u for teaching me that Jesus is really all about my 'business'.
that He is for me and not against me.
that He is my rest.

benny omar.
my #1 'Fan'. Supporter. and Friend.
thank u for being u.
honest. sincere.

thank u for not being my friend, my soul-mate or my wanna- be.
but for just being my partner.
a partner who tries to be nothing more. nothing less.
just perfect.

thank u for being my sister. my rock. and strength.
you remind me of Mom.
and your patience reminds me of Dad.
i love u.

thank u.
for showing me that you can live life by your rules!

Crazy Brave!
thank u for faith and belief in me.

my manager. my booker. sometimes PA.
but most importantly my friend.
u really make everything happen!
thank u.

my one and only GF. Malaysian!
what more can i say...

my family.
u understand me.
love me unconditionally.
and never let me go.
thank u.

thank u for always listening.
never judging. ever loving. and answering.
ps. pls teach me to open my ears wider!

and to my friends.
A to Z.
u know who...
thanks for putting up with me.
my nagging and bragging included.
i'm sorry if i haven't made time for u...
( pls give me a week's notice to make appointments. )

thank u for making my life a blessing.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


with only hours left to another year,
i can't help but look back at 2012 and count my blessings.
yes. blessings.
12 months of unearned, undeserved, blessings.

2012 started and ends on a high note professionally.
the year where everyone was talking about economical crisis,
i have been blessed.

SuperModel Me. Vasantham Express. Style Etc.
being involved in 3 TV Shows within the 1st six months of the year.

Creative Director of Crazy Brave Media.
a new title and position in a new venture and partner.

from fashion styling to makeup artiste to host and now Producer.
Producing TV Shows with MediaCorp's new channel Toggle to
working with some of Asia's top Network.

some of my new friends in town.

but all this is truly nothing compared to what i lost in 2012.
this year i lost my Mom.
and this is the 1st time i'm sharing this in print.

May 4th 2012.

her physical suffering ended and she left to be with Him.
but there and then i knew somehow everything's gonna be all right.
and it is.
now i have her and Him looking over me.
telling me it's okay.
that i am not alone.
and am always loved.

and each day since, i thank my God for His blessings.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Bond movie

22nd December 2012.
one day after the world was suppose to end,
like a Bond movie.
and like any Bond movie, the world survived.

truth is December 2012 is become one of the most memorial date
to almost everyone in this generation.
12.12.12 / 20.12.2012 / 21.12.12

i just had people remind me from time to time.
busy lah.