Friday, October 22, 2010

start the support to stop the bullying.

is bullying the IN thing now?

teen gays are getting a huge amount of attention in the states recently
but not in a healthy way.

recently the number of gay teens or
teens believed to gay committing suicide is rising.
they hang themselves. shoot themselves in the head. jump off a bridge.
because they were bullied.

bullies who tell them that they are a waste of life.
bullies who are their classmates.
bullies who see them differently.
bullies who want to be nowhere near them.
bullies who are afraid.

i believe this is nothing new.
i believe this is even happening in asia,
we just don't know about it. and i believe that we can change this.
i believe we can stop the bullying.

it starts with educating.
gays. black. colored. fat. anorexia. midgets. etc.
we, are still a person. an individual.
no different from anyone else.
with the same desire. challenges. ambition. needs & wants as the next person.

when we witness the discrimination, we need to stand up and speak out.
and when we do that, we educate the bully. and we support the bullied.

we need to start the support to stop the bullying.

i don't want to wait till it happens to someone i know.
are u?

Monday, October 11, 2010

need to be 1st.

ever wondered why the CHINESE are good at almost anything?

today i was in the train heading from woodlands to town.
sunday. 1.30pm. super packed mrt.
and yet, the CHINESE Nationals who rushed in were able to
grap, steal, barged their way to a single seat that was free
for like 2 seconds!

their eyes prowl the cabins, praying for a free seat.
no mercy to the 6yrs old kid that was standing alone or
the uncle who needed help coming into the train,
or even the blue signs that pictures the "RESERVED SEAT"
for the more deserving passengers.

the CHINESE need to be 1st.

it explains why they perform so well at the Olympics.
why they talk LOUDLY.
why they think everyone understands their language.
why they are the largest populated country.

it also means that they have a lot of sex.

Friday, October 8, 2010

time to say NO.

ever get tired of doing ''favors''?

over the last 12 months "friends" have been asking me for "favors".
don't get me wrong!
i'm all out to help a friend and sometimes i go all out.

its just that being in an industry where
play a strong role, its tough to say No.

worst still when you are expected to do "favors"
like its part of your job!

''.... hey can u check with Ms So&So if she's free to blah blah blah...."
"... oh! u must do this!!! we must support each other!"
"...... think u free for whatever whatever....?"

People Use People! so don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
but its how its done that matters.
there's a healthy why and an unhealthy way to it.

healthy is when both of you are aware and its friendly.
unhealthy is when only 1 of you is aware of it!

when its 1 person, that's just taking advantage
and its plain USING.

i'm tired of doing "favors".
enough of it already.

think its about time to say NO.

my advise...
Want something? Do it yourself.

Monday, October 4, 2010


something is wrong somewhere...

my usual routine is wake up, check emails, facebook, outlook emails
and then gym. like almost everyday... cos that's free i am.

and i've had 2 personal training sessions over the past 2 years.
from a 62kg to a whopping 69kg!

of course along the way i ate,
so to shed the FATS, i started my cardio routine.
a minimum 1hr cardio session every time i hit the gym.
feels really good burning those calories.
and then i eat some more.

but now... my weight is dropping.

each time i go to the gym i seem to weigh lighter and lighter.

from 69 to 67.
then from 67 to 66.
now its 65.6kg.
no. seriously. dude.

i need to put no the weight but without the FAT!!!
if any of you know how pls TELL ME!!!

should i stop my cardio?
eat more rice?
Mm... maybe just sleep?
try Weight Gainer?

i don't know!?!!
i don't wanna end up like Kumar...