Monday, May 30, 2011

stop shitting

i am disappointed that when u are asked to be part of something,
commit to it even though it seemed to going nowhere,
then u find out u are no longer part of it... it Sucks.
from now when it comes to WORK favors, MONEY talks.

i am seriously sick & tired of people asking for favors, advise and help
only to ignore u like some shit lying on the side of the pavement.

and since i'm letting it out, let me share this too.
people should realize that when u have 'friends',
it works like any relationship, like a 2 way street.
don't go bitching about your friends when u shut them out,
especially when even they don't know what's wrong.
'friends' are not mind readers.
so stop being a prick pls.
and if u wanna accuse someone,
pls have the decency to keep them posted.
otherwise its like shooting blanks in the dark.
cos only u'd know what's going on in that tiny head of yours
while the rest of the world and us continue with our lives, happy.

so, pls stop shitting on the pavement.
it's not healthy.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


my friends say i'm always complaining about something,
& frankly if you were to spend an entire day with me,
you'd agree too.

but i never see it as much as complaining as as much as expressing myself.
( i'm also very good in confusing )

so today i'm gonna express myself,
but without touching myself all over, AKA Madonna.

i don't get it when cashiers at TOPMAN don't know how much
''Media Discount'' is.
they tell me to call their Office to find out!

i don't understand why Taxis with NOT FOR HIRED signs only stop to pickup PRC female passenger.
Racist or Sexist?

i don't know why it takes FOREVER to collect my orders at McDonald's.
they make me pay then tell me, ''pls wait 3mins for Fries''.

i don't know how Customer Service Officers who don't understand English be hired.
i asked to purchase 2 more tickets.
his reply, "Tomorrow ticket?''.

i don't know what to say when Expats ask me if i am originally from Singapore?
i AM. i just speak better!

Ahh... its good to let things out, at least once in a while.
i do it all the time and you should too.

just be careful where u touch yourself.

Kate VS Jack

so the PAP won the General Election 2o11.
but the win was only marginal, by a 60.1 percent.
still, they won.

and by now as you would know, most Singaporean are not happy.
not happy because the Opposition only took 6 seats in Parliament.
not happy because they know for sure that the GST will go up.
not happy because their estates will not be upgraded for the next 5 years.
not happy because Nicole Seah won't be able to fulfill her promises.
but most importantly, carrying a Kate Spade would be uncool.

thankfully, i only own a couple of Jack Spade.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

no one is perfect.

in all of my almost 42 years of being a singaporean,
this is only my second time voting.

isn't Election Season interesting? it is for me.
from the People's Action Party to Workers Party,
Singapore People's Party to Singapore Democratic Party & National Solidarity Party,
to the new Reform Party & Singapore Democratic Alliance...
did i leave anyone out?

never have i seen people voicing out their conviction, passion and
views of the government so publicly.
from Facebook pages to YouTube videos,
stickers on lamp posts, to News reports on TV,
these guys are everywhere.
i'm just wondering where were most them during the past few years or months?
i have never seen these people in my estate till today and that's only because of the rally i went to thinking it was some free neighborhood concert!

and i heard them speak.
FYI, they don't speak very well.
i thought my 9 year old niece had a better command of english then most of the speakers did.
it was funny listening to some of the statements they made,
like how birth rates are low because of the "2 is Enough" campaign in the 70s and that's the government's fault.
i just thought married couples were not into fu@king.
how ''we'' should stop giving away jobs to foreigners but keep close ties with our neighboring countries.
another speaker spoke of how as singaporeans we should not fear the government.
ironically this guy was a regular in the army for 17 years as a Psychiatrist.

don't get me wrong. i love to hear a good argument.
but not when these arguments have no solutions to the problems highlighted.
and yes, they did make a few good points, but only as members of the public, not as a member of parliament.

no one is perfect.
and as singaporeans, we all know that but never we stop trying.

i just thought with so many Parties happening, i'd have a good time.