Wednesday, June 10, 2009

the ORIGINAL IT idiot

i LOVE this whole blog thing!

seriously! its amazing!
whoever came up with this should be paid like a gazillion bucks!

now, as most of you would know, i am the original IT Idiot.
nene created my 1st email address for me in 2004 only because
he knew what a retard i was with computers.
and up to late last year i actually had people check my emails for me.
i even had them do my e-invoices and billings cos
thats how bad i am with computers!
and speaking of computer... now, please prepare yourselves..

i do not own a computer.

i am using nene's old laptop, one that he left behind when
he returned to brazil.
so from a guy who was totally clueless about the WORLDWIDEWEB,
i am now like a kid in a candy store when it comes to my blog!

DJ Zach installed the visitors bar code on this site yesterday,
so now i know the number of guests who dropped by. so exciting!
and i am, honestly, very surprised at the number of visits
there's been in a day! WOW!! ( i know, i'm easily impressed. )

i am still learning about how to use the blog.
stuff like downloading, uploading, sideloading,
i don't know what other kind of loading there is, etc.

some of you have asked that there be pictures too,
Mmm... i am not ready for that yet.
for now i really like it that its more like a newsletter
rather than a pictorial site. also...

i do not own a camera.

BTW check out as yours truly
is on ION DNA Search for Singapore's most fashionable BATCH 4.
it is NOT a fashion pagent!
just random people shot in town who by the way looked good or cool.
key word = random.

coming back... as for the the STYLE, FASHION and EVERYTHING ELSE part...
i'm starting with a bit of all.
you'll just have to come by more from now on.

fyi... it took me over 2 hours just to type today's entry.
1 finger.


  1. hehehe.... couldn't stop laughing about the IT thing! lol stop being a cave man and go get yourself a new computer!!!!

  2. yea, i remember having to type out stuff for you all the time! still on 1 finger? time to start 2 now...go practise more please! meet me for coffee! x

  3. Just dropping by to say hi! Don't worry, there's still hope for you yet. We'll have you on Facebook in no time :p

  4. Yes, I can be the living proof of your cluelessness when it comes to IT, but hei not the fashion world tho'
    3 months from now, you'll definately be up and about with blogging!!

  5. hey hey!!!
    thx 4 the cool messages guys!
    btw... who's the anonymous visitor?

  6. Great stuff Marcus!

    Next stop, FACEBOOK!!
